By the way this is where our office is:
When we list homes to sell are we thinking like the seller or the buyer? hmmm. Interesting question. When you set a trap for a mouse, what do you put on the trap to entice the mouse to the trap? Cheese….peanut butter? Why. Because that attracts the mouse. When we position a home on the market to sell it from what frame of reference are we thinking? The Sellers or the Buyer. Just because we list a home for sale in Fairfield Island does that mean that we should only pull similar homes from that area? Does the Buyer only shop in Fairfield? Why do we pull comparable “solds” from the Fairfield to establish market value? Why do we do that? What about the competing homes on the market today. The competition. Where will this home be “positioned” into the market against the homes that are available to a Buyer? Maybe that is a better question. What do you think? Let me know your thoughts.
Below is a picture of our boardroom where we meet every Thursday at 9am and we have professional REALTOR development meetings every Wednesday at 4pm for the next 6 weeks. Join us anytime. You are always welcome if you are a licensed REALTOR or interested in becoming a licensed REALTOR. Maybe let me know if you are coming….Kelly.